Uddeshya Delhi
3 min readDec 14, 2020

These stressful times have deeply affected our lives, especially our mental health. Coping with quarantine: here is, what you can do

1.Follow a routine, make a healthy timetable for yourself, it will help a lot.

2.Include yoga in your lifestyle, some yoga asanas like ‘Garudasana’, ‘Vajrasana’ and ‘Padmasana’ when practiced on a regular basis tend to improve mental health.

3.Changes in sleeping patterns if you sleep late, should be made, as the saying goes, “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

4.Pamper yourself, take out time for yourself, quarantine is a good time to work upon ourselves, think about what we want to do with our lives, what we are best at and much more.

5.Listen to your favourite music, talk to your favourite person ,connect socially to everyone be it family, friends ,teachers

6. Read a good book, as regular reading is thought to improve our mental health.

7.Binge watch your favourite shows, do not watch depressive stuff but something motivating ,cheerful, something that makes you feel energetic.

8.Eat healthy food

9.Be productive, do whatsoever you are interested in. It can be drawing, writing, art, attending quizzes, photography and much more.

10.Most importantly ,think good , think positive.

Here are some good books you can read.

The one i have read in this time was “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma It is a renowned inspirational fiction. what people go through is suicidal thoughts and feelings of loneliness mostly. what leads to these thoughts and feelings: We all are going through a very tough time. And all these times affect us emotionally, we think too much and end up exaggerating even small things, misunderstanding people, feeling low, and thinking bad of ourselves. one may get frustrated from his work, and get angry on others ,thinks of himself as unfit for everything. one might lose a job, face financial problems, and think that he/she should die. what is mostly the case is we all feel fed of things happening and give up on things, be it work, relations or ourselves. we think negative and those thoughts take control of our minds. and thinking bad of ourselves we may emotionally, and socially isolate ourselves from our closed ones. we feel stressed and heavy inside. this is all which leads to thoughts of suicide and feeling of loneliness in people. dealing with negative thoughts and loneliness: get to know your worth, it is very important to know our value, value of our life and to know how blessed we are. Think of yourself as a good person, if you feel guilty about something, apologize to yourself or others if it was done to others. try to stay happy, smile often. express yourself to others, if you feel you low talk to your parents, talk your heart out to friends. if something is bothering you, do not ignore it, deal with it ,face it. Enjoy small moments of your life, it’s a long journey we have to face a lot, but being happy is what helps us go through it all. do not let this tough time take up too much of you. we can overcome it all by our own actions. work on yourself, be a happier version of yourself.

By- Chhavi Elem

Uddeshya Delhi

Uddeshya Delhi is the newest chapter of the nationwide and youth-run organisation, Uddeshya. Our motto is, 'Empowering Youth, Fueling Change'.